PhD. students who already pass thesis exam but wait for the publication might request to extend more 2 academic years further (1 year per time), in this case, students have to show the evidence of waiting for publication.

List of international journals to support their course work with Majors.

(List of International Publications Acceptable for PhD Graduation). Please find attached document for list of Journal’s. Click (here)

Condition for PhD degree program, for the publication of scholarly works, according to the university rules and regulations governing by graduate studies in the year 2008, Section 104 are as follows:

Section 104 states, research thesis or a part of the Ph.D. thesis, must have been published or accepted for publication with the following guidelines.

(a) Course 1 (Thesis only): Course code 1734 must be published in 2 journal papers of which at least one must be in international journal.

(b) Course 2 (Thesis and Course): Course code 1736 and 1737 must be published one international journal.

For academic engineering journals the department having following conditions –

1 Course 1 (Thesis only): which requires the 2 journal articles. Department of Electrical Engineering accepts journal articles from engineering journal to complete graduation, but there must be at least one article from the Journal of the list announced by the Department.

2. Course 2 (Thesis and Course): which requires only one journal article. Department of Electrical Engineering accepts,  only the journal article from the Journal of the list announced by the Department, to complete graduation.

(List of International Publications Acceptable for PhD Graduation). Please find attached document for list of Journal’s. Click (here)

ประกาศ เรื่องการขอขยายเวลาการศึกษาเพื่อรอตีพิมพ์ผลงานวิจัยของนิสิตระดับปริญญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต พ.ศ. 2559

Announcement: Extension of Study Year for waiting of PhD Publication, 2016

นิสิตซึ่งสอบวิทยานิพนธ์ผ่านแต่ยังรอตีพิมพ์ผลงานวิจัยในวารสารทางวิชาการระดับนานาชาติ อาจขอขยายเวลาการศึกษาต่อไปได้อีกไม่เกิน 2 ภาคการศึกษา โดยขยายได้ครั้งละ 1 ภาคการศึกษา ในการนี้ต้องมีหลักฐานการส่งผลงานวิจัยเพื่อตีพิมพ์ด้วย

PhD. students who already pass thesis exam but wait for the publication might request to extend more 2 academic years further (1 year per time), in this case, students have to show the evidence of waiting for publication.

List of international journals to support their course work with Majors.

(List of International Publications Acceptable for PhD Graduation). Please find attached document for list of Journal’s. Click (here)

Condition for PhD degree program, for the publication of scholarly works, according to the university rules and regulations governing by graduate studies in the year 2008, Section 104 are as follows:

Section 104 states, research thesis or a part of the Ph.D. thesis, must have been published or accepted for publication with the following guidelines.

(a) Course 1 (Thesis only): Course code 1734 must be published in 2 journal papers of which at least one must be in international journal.

(b) Course 2 (Thesis and Course): Course code 1736 and 1737 must be published one international journal.

For academic engineering journals the department having following conditions –

1 Course 1 (Thesis only): which requires the 2 journal articles. Department of Electrical Engineering accepts journal articles from engineering journal to complete graduation, but there must be at least one article from the Journal of the list announced by the Department.

2. Course 2 (Thesis and Course): which requires only one journal article. Department of Electrical Engineering accepts,  only the journal article from the Journal of the list announced by the Department, to complete graduation.

(List of International Publications Acceptable for PhD Graduation). Please find attached document for list of Journal’s. Click (here)